
what people say about me…

Marta’s readings are extremely accurate and precise.
Over the past year I have used Marta’s help with very good results.
I highly recommend her, for she is a real psychic.
— M.C. (Warsaw, Poland)
So, I have always been open to new experiences, to find out more about myself, not only physically but spiritually as well.
When I was invited to a card reading session with Marta, I didn’t think it over too long - I was in.
I thought it as a way to self discovery.
Marta Artemida was very welcoming from the first moment.
Right now, I am having some difficulties in finding love in my life and I was curious to see what message the cards had for me.
The experience was quite astonishing, I must admit.
When it was time for me to choose my cards, I had the impression they were attracting my hand to them, as if they were choosing by themselves. The cards I chose were rather warm and slightly vibrating in my hands.
The most interesting part was when Marta showed me not only what step I should do to attract love in my life, but, more importantly, she helped me, through the cards, to see and understand what I was doing in the present moment: my behaviour, my approach, etc. She helped me understand what modalities I was using when trying to find a suitable partner, but also the obstacles I was inadvertently putting on my way. I did not receive a clear and straight answer from her, such as “you will meet the right person at 4:00 pm at the cafe around the corner”... What I received sounded more like a guidance, advice that allowed me to better understand myself and take the right decisions that could have helped me, in my own interest.
On another occasion, I had an Akashic Record reading because I wanted to understand how my past from different life ties had an influence on my current life time.
This experience was even more amazing than the card reading, because I received healing and not only guidance. I received understanding of myself and acceptance, the information I received allowed me to reach peace of mind. The pleasant feeling stayed with me for quite some time.
Last but not lease, I took part in the workshop SGSM (Heart Awakening with the Crystal Angels 444 - by Alana Fairchild).
The process itself was very interesting. As an example the Oracle Card chosen for the whole group had a specific meaning for all the participants. at once. I think the most important part happened afterwards, once I reached home. The whole healing process allowed me somehow to give more to the people in my life. I felt a shift in me that helped me to be more understanding than before. Instead of getting angry immediately, as I used to do, I tried to understand the other person.
I feel calmer and it became easier to give back to others the love I had inside. It improved the quality of my relationships.
So to sum up, I believe that Marta is a person that will guide you spiritually in ways beyond normal understanding. She will not give predictions of what awaits you along the way, but she will find a way to your heart and heal it.
— W.S. (Poland)
I very much enjoyed the workshop “Heart Awakening” SGSM , organized by Marta with care and attention to details. She did a great job with creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. I loved the care she showed in setting up the space and the choice of relaxing music.
Her guidance and clarifications given to each part of the workshop were very helpful, especially at the beginning as none of the participants were very familiar with the healing and we didn’t know what to expect during the whole workshop.
I appreciated also Marta’s voice, that in my opinion offers a perfect guidance during meditation. So harmonious, tender, calm that brings immediate peace at a soul level. I was delighted to hear the melody of her voice.
I think that Marta makes meditation and mindfulness incredibly accessible to daily life. I have already seen some effects, as I already feel more comfortable and empowered in my stressful workplace. I am starting to learn how to deal with daily stress and I am changing some habits.
The Heart Awakening workshop took around 5 hours, but I felt it could continue much longer!
Thanks to Marta, I had an amazing experience. I felt extremely close to my mind and my soul and I was fully aware of my body and the energy I owned. It was like a trip in some unknown pace and I am really looking forward to repeating that journey again with Marta.
I recommend it especially to those who are skeptical about meditation or those who struggle to calm their mind.
The chance to practice together, delightful!
Even though one can meditate at home by their own, doing it in a group with specific instructions and guidance together with strong spiritual energy surrounding us, was priceless.
Thank you for helping me bringing some peace into my hectic life!
— E.B. (Poland)

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